Precision laser eye surgery in Melbourne

If you’re looking for an experienced laser eye surgeon in Melbourne, look no further than Dr Edward Roufail and his team. With decades of specialist experience and further training in various refractive surgery techniques, including LASIK, PRK, SMILE, RLE, and ICL, your vision is safe in his hands and his cutting-edge laser eye clinic in Melbourne.

Is laser eye surgery for me

In Melbourne, laser eye surgery is a popular way of significantly reducing your dependency on glasses and contact lenses. Glasses and contacts have limitations that can get in the way of an active lifestyle, including fogging up, falling off, or simply requiring too much maintenance and effort.

Dr Roufail is your expert laser eye surgeon for Melbourne and surrounds. He provides high-precision laser eye surgery for his Melbourne clients, personalising his techniques depending on your unique eyes and lifestyle requirements. Your eligibility and best solution will be determined through a comprehensive examination with Dr Roufail and his team.

Precision surgery

How does laser eye surgery work?

Dr Roufail offers a number of different methods of laser eye surgery for his Melbourne patients. Refractive procedures involving an eye laser available in Eye Laser Specialists in Melbourne include LASIK (laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis), PRK (photorefractive keratectomy) and SMILE (small incision lenticule extraction). The aim of these surgical techniques is to correct the eye’s refractive error, which includes myopia (short-sightedness), hyperopia (long-sightedness), astigmatism, and even presbyopia (the age-related deterioration of near-focusing ability).

All these procedures for laser eye correction in Eye Laser Specialists involve the use of a medical-grade laser device to reshape the cornea at the front surface of the eye. Along with the natural intra-ocular lens, the cornea is responsible for focusing the light as it enters the eye. By adjusting the curvature of the cornea with an excimer and/or femtosecond eye laser, Melbourne patients can experience a clear, unaided sight, as the focus of light is fine-tuned onto the retina through surgery.

Laser eye surgery in Eye Laser Specialists in Melbourne is performed only with the latest technology in state-of-the-art facilities. Dr Roufail and his team pride themselves on providing high-precision eye laser surgery for his Melbourne clients, with tailored solutions for every individual.

Book your appointment with Dr Roufail for all your comprehensive eyecare needs.

Dr Edward Roufail offers caring, expert laser eye surgery to Melbourne and its surrounds. He brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to provide you with the best outcomes for your vision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Am I eligible for laser eye surgery?

The eligibility criteria for laser eye surgery can differ slightly depending on which procedure you’re considering. When assessing his patients in Melbourne for laser eye surgery, Dr Roufail will take into account factors such as the overall health of your eyes, your best possible vision achieved when in glasses or contact lenses, your prescription, and your corneal thickness. Other considerations such as age, lifestyle and occupation, and whether you’re currently pregnant or breastfeeding are also important.

After an initial comprehensive consultation for laser eye surgery, Melbourne clients will be advised accordingly about whether Dr Roufail considers laser vision correction to be a safe procedure for you.

Where does Dr Roufail perform laser eye surgery?

Dr Roufail practises at a number of laser eye clinic locations throughout Melbourne. These include clinics in Mornington, East Melbourne, Armadale, and Mount Waverley. All practices are fitted with the latest technology in eye laser surgery, so Melbourne patients can be sure they’re receiving optimal care no matter where they go.

Do I need a referral to see Dr Roufail?

Laser eye procedures in Melbourne don’t require a referral from a GP or optometrist. However, knowing your past eye and vision history from your optometrist can be useful for Dr Roufail when determining your eligibility for refractive surgery or advising you on your potential risk factors. For example, knowing your prescription has constantly been worsening over the last few years will alert Dr Roufail in advising you to wait until your eyes have stabilised.

How do I know which laser surgery technique is best for me?

Dr Roufail is committed to providing eye laser surgery to Melbourne in a responsible way. This means he will never suggest or offer a course of action that comes with undue risks when there is a better alternative for you.

The decision as to which laser correction procedure is best for you will be made after a comprehensive examination with Dr Roufail and his team. He will be able to discuss which surgery presents the least risk and the most potential for the best visual outcome. Factors that contribute to this decision include your lifestyle and occupation, as well as your corneal thickness and prescription. For example, LASIK is unsafe for corneas with inadequate thickness. Instead, Dr Roufail may suggest PRK or another procedure altogether, such as RLE or ICL.

How much does laser eye surgery cost?

The fee for laser eye surgery throughout Melbourne can differ widely depending on where you go and which procedure you have. For an accurate quote for your procedure with Dr Roufail, he will first need to perform an initial examination to determine which method of laser vision correction is the most suitable for you. You may also be eligible to enter into a payment plan, which can be discussed at the time of your appointment.

Will it take a long time to recover from my procedure?
Recovery times for laser eye surgery depend on the type of operation you had and whether you have any other factors that may prolong your healing process. SMILE and LASIK are typically associated with shorter recovery periods; you may be able to return to driving and your work as soon as within a few days. Conversely, PRK can take a couple of weeks for your sight and any eye discomfort to settle before you can return to your normal activities. 

There will be some activities which will need to be put on a longer hold regardless of what type of laser procedure you had. Examples include swimming or resuming contact sports. Dr Roufail will be able to provide you with more precise timeframes for your recovery after your initial consultation. 

It is also important to follow his post-operative instructions as closely as possible to minimise your risk of infection, injury, or harmful inflammation during your healing period. These guidelines include how to use your prescription eyedrops, what to do to protect your eyes as they heal, and what to avoid. 

Note: Surgical or invasive procedures carry inherent risks. As part of our standard practice, we thoroughly discuss these risks during the consent process before any surgical procedure. Your understanding and comfort are our utmost priority.

Contact Dr Edward now for your eye surgery needs

A doctor that brings a combined 40 years of eye surgery experience in Armadale, Mornington Peninsula and Melbourne

Call now to discuss how we can change your day to day life.

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